Tag: <span>anxiety</span>

Anxiety symptoms – Explained and removed

Anxiety symptoms are not what they appear to be. Understand anxiety symptoms in context.

Commonly, anxiety symptoms are defined as the physical and mental manifestations of ILLNESS… but anxiety disorders aren’t illnesses… so what are these ‘anxiety symptoms’?

We at LTE, have all suffered from anxiety so we truly understand the level of suffering, frustration, despair and disruption anxiety symptoms cause but we also know that when the disorder is removed, the symptoms quickly disappear.

When suffering, it is so difficult to see anything other than the symptoms. They seem so overwhelming and worrying.

Anxiety conditions cause massive disruption within the systems of the human body but none of it is illness or disorder… the body is, actually, doing exactly what it evolved to do. The production of anxiety symptoms has a specific purpose.

Fear is isn’t actually an emotion… unlike emotions like happiness, sadness or anger, for example, which provide a physical and mental experience of external environments, fear is has a specific and unique function… to keep us safe.

Anxiety ‘symptoms’ are caused by the activation of bodily responses in preparation for action… fight or flight. Other anxiety symptoms, such as IBS, muscle pain, dizziness etc. are side-effects of that process.

Common Anxiety Symptoms

  • Smothering sensations and shortness of breath
  • Racing heart, slow heart beat, palpitations
  • Chest Pain
  • Globus Hystericus – ‘Lump in throat’ and difficulty swallowing
  • Blanching (colour loss in the skin)
  • Excessive Perspiration (sweating)
  • Shaking or shivering (visibly or internally)
  • Pain or numbness in the head, face, arms, neck or shoulders
  • Rapid gastric emptying
  • Indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhoea
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Symptoms of urinary tract infection
  • Increased need to urinate
  • Skin rashes
  • Weakness/tingling in arms, hands or feet
  • ‘Electric shock’ feelings (anywhere in the body)
  • Dry mouth
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Fears of going mad or losing control
  • Increased depression and suicidal feelings
  • Aggression
  • Symptoms like ‘flu’
  • Distorted vision
  • Disturbed hearing
  • Hormone problems
  • Headaches and feelings of having a ‘tight band around head’
  • Sore eyes
  • Agoraphobia
  • Hallucinations
  • ‘Creeping’ or ‘pins and needles’ sensations in the skin
  • Increased sensitivity to light, sound, touch, and smell
  • Hyperactivity
  • Dramatic increase in sexual feelings
  • Pain in the face or jaw (resembling toothache)
  • Derealisation and Depersonalisation
  • Panic Attacks
  • OCD – Obsessive thoughts and compulsions
  • Pure O – Inappropriate/strange thoughts

The above list isn’t, by any mean, exhaustive but very indicative of the wide range of anxiety symptoms they can experience.

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Does medication remove anxiety disorders or remove symptoms?

In a word… NO. Why? Because to remove the ‘symptoms’ of anxiety is to remove or address the physical responses of FEAR. That is wholly and practically impossible… and who would want to? Fear keeps us safe.

The only solution is to remove the disorder itself… returning disorder to ORDER. Which is what TLM does.

Does ‘therapy’ remove anxiety disorders?

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No… it cannot. In fact, talking therapies, including CBT, counselling, hypnosis and psycho-analysis will perpetuate and even worsen the condition.

Why? Because practice makes perfect. By doing the above practices, you are confirming that the anxiety is appropriate. This all happens sub-consciously regardless of what you want or feel. It’s like going on a treadmill and trying to prevent fitness.

The solution is simple, scientific, common sense, fast and so relieving.


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We only ask for your first name and email so that we can send you your information. We do not 'spam' your inbox. You can request to stop receiving the free recovery advice at any point. We will never provide your details to a third party.

The Solution Healthcare & Corporates NEED

Anxiety – Panic – OCD – Agoraphobia – Health Anxiety – Depression – ME – CFS

How do you save the NHS £billions

How do you prevent mental health related absenteeism?

How do you find a resource that will take over mental health care for you?

How do you help every ‘frequent flier’?

How do you take the strain off primary and secondary care?

You implement a programme that has a proven 100% success rate at lowering anxiety levels and returning people to normal emotional responses.

GAD7 18.24 to 2.84 in university trials. That’s an average outcome of total recovery.

A programme that has helped over 184,000 people since 1997… a programme with support provided by accredited, experienced MBACP anxiety recovery specialists.

Consider this… you could hand over the complete management and treatment of all your stress, anxiety and depression suffering clients, employees or patients… and save a small fortune.

A programme that:

  • – is the oldest online provision of mental health recovery services in the world
  • – achieved 100% total efficacy in NHS specified trial
  • – costs less than most single therapy sessions but covers a year’s access and support
  • – is day one access to resources and support
  • – aligns with NICE guidelines
  • – keeps patients IN WORK or gets them back and productive fast
  • – has treated over 260,000 people with incredible outcomes
  • – can be accessed anonymously to preserve confidentiality
  • – accredited by the NCFE
  • – administered by MBACP practitioners
  • – provides constant unlimited guidance
  • – provides resources for all major anxiety disorders and depression
  • – is as effective for ME and CFS
  • – can be used by people with learning disabilities
  • – can be used by people of any age
  • – provides professional level training for your staff (if required)
  • – provides programmes for schools, higher education and armed forces


Instead of dealing with anxious people and facing the constant bombardment of concerns they bring with them in any environment, we will do that for you.

Just call Beth Linden today to find out how we can help you to manage this problem and save you time, heartache and money!

01562 742004 or 0800 069 9898


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The thin wall between suffering and recovery


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The dilemma I face each day…

charles linden on anxiety recoveryIf you experience anxiety… please read this page.

As an ex-sufferer and with hindsight over 19 years of helping millions of people to learn the truth about anxiety disorders, here are my dilemmas and frustrations.

And… this is very relevant to you because anxiety sufferer’s suffering is what keeps me awake at night.


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People like YOU that deserve the truth…

…YOU deserve what works and deserve the very best any service can offer, often don’t get it, instead you get time wasting psycho-babble or medication. You KNOW it doesn’t work because you use it and don’t recover… if it worked, you’d recover!

You don’t deserve to suffer… I didn’t deserve 27 years of medication, therapy and misdiagnosis, but that’s what I got.

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YOU don’t need to suffer…

I will do anything it takes to prevent any person of any age from being misled and mistreated. We all, at Linden Tree, feel the same.

Indeed… we will do anything to show you how simple recovery is… and then we will ‘take you to it’.

It’s just so unnecessary for you to have to wake each day feeling ill, desperate, anxious and frustrated; having to modify, manipulate or deceive in order to feel ‘safe’.

I did it… every sufferer does it. Whether at home or at work, your mind is constantly searching for safety… it’s tiring, frustrating and unnecessary and it’s no way to lead your life.

I used to say “I’m too scared to live but too scared to die!” That’s exactly the state of ‘limbo’ I lived in… do you?


Anxiety disorders are unnecessary

Anxiety is unnecessary… just like diarrhea is the extreme manifestation of going to the toilet, anxiety is an extreme manifestation of fear… no one ‘needs’ diarrhea… no one needs anxiety.

Anxiety is emotional diarrhea… does that make sense?

FEAR is necessary. It keeps us safe, focuses us on ‘threats’ and helps us deal with them… anxiety just makes us feel like… in one word… SHIT. Am I right?

You don’t deserve that… no one does.

Anxiety is a CONDITION… it’s not an emotion!

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Why do medics, psychologists and medical organisations send folks to us?

We receive thousands of referrals and recommendations from clinical practice each year… why? because we get the job done. It’s that simple.

Why do WE get the job done? Because everything we do is sensible, scientific, simple and has been developed by ex sufferers for sufferers.

Everything we do is scientifically verifiable, an accredited therapy, delivered by experts… if you do it.

FACTS: In our 2014 university trials analysed using IBM machines at Copenhagen University, psychologist Martin Jensen asked 60 people who had used The Linden Method… our program…. whether they had used drugs or ‘therapy’ (CBT etc.) as treatments. Of those who has used both medication and talking therapy (around 60% of them), none had experienced positive benefits, in fact, the only changes commented on were negative (side-effects, low mood etc.)

Those same people were asked to gauge their anxiety levels before and after doing our program… the average incoming anxiety level was 18.24 out of 21 (severe)… the average post Linden Method score was 2.84 out of 21 (Recovered)

NOTHING demonstrates that level of success.

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What do you NEED?

We know what you NEED and we provide it. It couldn’t be simpler and it’s FAR simpler than what you do now, each day.

Over the last 19 years, we have developed a system that costs as much as a meal out, includes unlimited support and gets the job done… or your money back.

We don’t charge over and over for endless ‘talking therapy’ sessions that just serve to open old wounds, seek blame, frustrate you and lead you nowhere. Yes, the practitioner might be ‘nice’ and it may reassure you, but are you ‘anxiety free’ now? No… otherwise you wouldn’t be here listening to me.

If you need evidence, ask your therapist for theirs and then compare that evidence to ours… then make a decision where to place your trust and spend your money.

If your therapy is free through national health services for example.. does free = good? Does free = cured? Does free = free? Someone pays that person do administer their therapy to you… but does it work? Does it CURE people? No, of course not… which is why organizations like the NHS are swiftly turning away from it… the data and ‘trial’ outcomes were manipulated to look good but scientifically it doesn’t work.


Why do we KNOW we can help YOU?

So who are we? A team of British Association of Psychotherapists and British Psychological Society registered, NCFE accredited, Association for Coaching registered anxiety disorder recovery specialists trained to deliver LAR, the world’s ONLY dedicated, accredited anxiety disorder recovery practice.

Is it easy? Kids of six do it with ease.

Is it fast? It can be effective in hours.

Does it require ‘facing your fears’? No.

Does it require effort? No, just changing what you do now slightly.

The ONLY reason for this not to work is not doing it and anyone who says “I did it and it didn’t work” is actually saying “I bought it but didn’t use it correctly” – how do I know this?

Because claiming that IT didn’t work is like saying – “I was hungry, I at 14 burgers and I was still hungry” – unless you are immense and have the capacity to eat that much… doing so and remaining hungry is impossible. Do you understand?

It’s like saying… I practised guitar for 2 hours a day for 6 months but can’t play a tune… it’s impossible… monkeys can probably do that given time!

The body and mind work to ONE set of rules for each system within them… ‘do A and B happens’… it has to be that way… we wouldn’t want bodily systems that independently change the rules… one day you eat to satisy hunger, the next you have to scratch your ear to do the same… it’s just not practicle is it!

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You have a choice to make…

But the choice is like being asked “what would you prefer, a hot or cold bath?” One is so, so much more pleasant, easy, comfortable and enjoyable. Doing what will create recovery is so much easier than what you are doing right now.

You can keep going around in circles… you can keep looking for a magic pill or you can use the process… the simple process and the tools we have created and used with thousands of people to both reassure and cure them.

Panic attacks eliminator, journey out of agoraphobia, cure anxiety, conquer obsessions, overcome OCD, how to cure HOCD, ROCD and POCD… the list goes on. All tools developed to show you, in just a few monutes, exactly what to do TODAY to feel far better TOMORROW.

No matter what you experience, how your anxiety disorder manifests in you, how long you have suffered or how ‘incurable’ you think you are, we will show you that you can quickly become anxiety free (not fear free because fear is a natural and required human emotions, anxiety is a condition that can be resolved) with very little effort or time investment.

  1. Why are YOU still suffering? Because you shouldn’t be!
  2. Why aren’t you getting the solution you need and deserve? What or who’s stopping you?

Ok, agreed, these aren’t the questions the answers to which are going to change the universe, but they are questions that inhibit or prevent, YOU from getting ‘well’.

You won’t find an organisation that produces the results we do… which is why celebs, agencies, sports-people and millions each year access our resources and guidance. I have sat in Hollywood mansions teaching A listers how to overcome their disorders… I have been on TV doing the same with Gok Wan or in my own TV series… I am on radio, TV or online resources constantly, I am published by the world’s largest self-help publisher, I work with government and media agencies, companies and receive referrals from NHS practitioners daily… I have my reputation to protect and believe me, I will protect it by continuing to produce incredible results… it’s what I love.

You’ve heard my frustrations and dilemmas…  just pick up the phone and dial the number at the top of this website because TODAY is the day everything changes for you… even if that is just to feel SO reasured that your anxiety drops down low in anticipation of your total recovery.

We are here for YOU. Take care.

Charles Linden

Linden Tree Education
The Linden Method
Anxiety Recovery Retreats

P.S. The video below is really worth a watch… it’s me just explaining succinctly and clearly why your anxiety isn’t what it is most perceived to be. It’s password protected in order to stop it appearing all over the internet… it will make sense to you now that you have read the page above!!

Immediately watch the video that will change everything
you think you know about your Anxiety, Panic, Phobias,
Obsessions &/Or Depression.

Discover the truth that can deactivate your anxiety in a moment and why our solution is
the world’s only dedicated, accredited anxiety, panic, agoraphobia,
OCD, health anxiety and depression therapy

The video that will change everything you think you know about your anxiety
FREE - Watch the video instantly and also get our free Anxiety Recovery Info Pack. Just enter your name and email address below. We ask for this to prevent spam.
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If the form above doesn’t work… please use this one CLICK HERE

None of your details will be shared with a third party.

“I watched this video and 20 years of what I thought I understood was erased. Brilliant!”
Janie Howard. Doncaster

“I wish I had seen this nine years ago. Charles Linden, you’re a life-saver!”

Brett Michaels. Perth

“I feel totally better. I watched, I understood and I did what Charles said.”
Karen M. Petersfield

“No wonder Charles is known as the world’s ‘leading authority on anxiety recovery”
Glynis Bowen. Kansas

“It makes so much sense. How could I have ever believed the psycho-babble”
Peter Prowse (for his wife Jackie). Hawaii


Here is a small group of Facebook & Twitter ‘grabs’ of client
comments and a lovely video by one of our recent clients, Hollie.

Read more on our reviews and comments menu items at the top of this site.

16 Year Old Hollie Talks About Her Life-Changing Experience


& TWITTER Reviews





16 Year Old Hollie Talks About Her Anxiety Recovery

Hollie recovered from long-term anxiety, panic attacks, depression and self-harming;
here she tells her story in the hope of inspiring other sufferers.

“Being anxiety disorder free is every person’s right. Evolution didn’t make us this way. People are told that therapy and medication are the only options but no one has ever been cured by either. The solution is simple. It’s what Hollie did and it’s what every recovered sufferer did. It’s simple science… the science of the emotions and of switching them off.” Charles Linden




FREE Recovery Seminar, Info Pack & Emails

Watch the seminar now and receive the recovery information pack and email guidance. Add your details and click submit.

We only ask for your first name and email so that we can send you your information. We do not 'spam' your inbox. You can request to stop receiving the free recovery advice at any point. We will never provide your details to a third party.





More Facebook & Twitter Reviews      Some celebrity comments       Some video Reviews




These are a selection of the many thousands we have received!

Linden Tree CentreRecent Social Media Comments
NB: This is a selection of Facebook comments from many hundreds.
Legal disclaimer (required by advertising standards): These testimonials are not meant to represent the results of every person, they are results reported by these people using The Linden Method program




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From the Linden Method Facebook page



For more information about our Retreats, Workshops or
Corporate Programs, Call us on 0800 069 9898


Order The Linden Method online below or by phone on 0800 069 9898


Gok Wan asks Charles to cure Kyle

Charles helps Gok cure 16 year old Kyle in his new series ‘Gok’s Teens’

Watch Kyle as he tells you about his recovery from anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia

In his series, Gok’s Teens: The Naked Truth, Gok is reigniting his commitment to get teenagers the help and support they need to deal with personal issues through body confidence lessons in school.

Gok’s Teens – The Naked Truth – Watch Kyle’s Story of Recovery

Gok helps 12 teenagers to face their fears and live their dreams one of which is 15 year old Kyle Vanes from Sheffield who had become agoraphobic and suffered from high anxiety and panic attacks due to bullying and being beaten up outside his house.

Gok asked Charles Linden to help Kyle to beat his fears and working with The Linden Method, in just three days, Kyle was able to travel to London alone from Sheffield to meet up with Gok again and on 12th May he, Gok and a team of petitioners went to Parliament to meet with a group of MPs, something Kyle never thought he would previously be able to achieve.

Rupert Young, brother to Will Young (middle right), who also did The Linden Method programme and the Linden Anxiety Recovery Retreat was also there to take part in the event.

“At last! A place where someone can go to not only gather the vital life changing tools that I did, but also an opportunity to listen to others and for the first time not feel like it was just me and I wasn’t going mad. Having done the retreat life is now something I can look forward to not fear. Working in the charity sector as a director and founder around mental health I can say that if peace is what you are looking for, look no further.”
Rupert Young

In 2009 Gok presented a petition of over 50,000 signatures to Downing Street as evidence of public support for having an hour of body confidence taught per academic year in every secondary school added to the national curriculum.

The then Education Secretary Ed Balls agreed it was necessary, however following the change in government, Gok faces the new challenge of trying to get the coalition government on board.
Speaking at The Education Show in Birmingham in March, Gok explained his vision and why he believes just one lesson a year can help teens with a whole range of issues.

“It is as important as Science or English; because you can teach somebody to write but you can also teach them to respect themselves. When you’re looking at kids with eating disorders, kids that are bullied, self harming and taking their own lives, a lot of times it stems back to a really poor body perception and I think we can make a difference [in schools].

“If we get them educated about airbrushing, educated about images of perfection…Just to be told that every single one of us is subjected to over 3000 images every single week without even realising; just to have that information out there, I think kids will start building up a dialogue with their peers as with their teachers that would be invaluable.”

It is time to put more pressure on the coalition government, who so far have declined to engage with Gok over the issue. His aim is to drum up both teacher and pupil support and take the biggest body confidence lesson yet to Parliament.

Today he oversaw 10 outdoor lessons, with 10 teachers and 100 students close to the Houses of Parliament to illustrate how effective this one lesson in body confidence can be, and help teens feel differently about themselves and others.

Gok adds: “This campaign has never felt more important. The teachers believe in it. We can go to the government and tell them this is what our country wants. They have to provide [body confidence lessons] as a matter of service.”

“But I need to show them evidence of how vital this lesson is. I need teenagers, parents, teachers, pupils all saying ‘yes we want this’ so we can put as much pressure on the government as possible to address the issue and make a body confidence lesson part of the curriculum.”

Gok presented the latest figures of support to parliament today. To back his movement you just have to go to The Naked Truth’s Facebook page and ‘like’ what you see to pledge your support.

“Folks, when the series airs in July, we expect it to be viewed by over 3 million people, so PLEASE, if you wish to get on the programme or book The Anxiety Recovery Retreat… book now to avoid disappointment.” Charles



Kate Ford – Actress in Coronation Street

Coronation Street actress, Kate Ford, contacted Charles Linden asking for assistance with overcoming her long-standing anxiety and panic attacks. Kate did The Linden Method Home Learning programme and overcame her disorder. Above, Kate has Tweeted about her success with the programme which she also spoke about in newspapers and magazines.

Do you feel depressed?

Do you experience:

  • Anxiety
  • Isolation
  • Low mood
  • Sadness
  • Desperation
  • Confusion
  • Emptiness

All of the above words are those that our patients have used to describe how they are feeling when they come to us for help.

Depression and anxiety cause enormous disruption in people’s lives and we at the centre understand fully the heartache and distress depression causes sufferers and their families and the knock on effect depression has on work, social and family lives.

Anxiety and depression are often confused and this leads to misdiagnosis, misprescription of drugs and also causes the sufferer to feel more desperate, isolated and confused.

Charles Linden, Director of Linden Tree Education and LAR explains:

Anxiety and depression are medically and chemically unrelated – Think of it like this… anxiety is a condition of hyper-vigilence, your body and mind are primed to respond to a threat – your senses come alive in order to recognise and deal with threat and your body prepares itself for flight or fight. True clinical depression is at the exact opposite end of the emotions spectrum- depression is the absence of emotional response. Truly depressed people experience little or no emotion most of the time and often experience a sense of emptiness. If you experience anxiety but feel ‘low’, this is called ‘low mood’.

Our Specialists have helped thousands of people to understand and overcome their anxiety and low mood but can also help those experiencing true clinical depression. The curative process is simple, fast and produces lifelong relief and our clinical staff have the understanding and training to make your recovery pathway smooth and simple. Charles Linden. Director Linden Tree Education

Our team have helped many thousands of people to find peace and recovery and their constant guidance, reassurance and support provides a solid foundation for real, lasting change.

We will:

  • Provide practical tactics to help you feel better fast
  • Provide tools and resources to expedite your recovery and enhance your life
  • Provide life-coaching advice to bring about real long-term change
  • Support, guide and reassure you constantly by email and phone
  • Give you the level of access to what you need in order to change how you feel fast

We all love what we do because what we do changes lives.

Read some of the testimonials we have received from patients here

Contact us now for a free, no obligation consultation with one of our Specialists and discover how we can help you to feel better.

+44(0)1562 742004



depression and anxiety

OCD? Panic Disorder? GAD? Agoraphobia? – WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?

NO MATTER what a ‘specialist’might tell you, there is only ONE anxiety condition!

OCD, GAD, PTSD, Panic Disorder etc. DON’T EXIST!

Sure, you get the symptoms that tell you that you are panicky, obsessive etc. but as stand alone disorders, those conditions just aren’t real and anyone who states otherwise is talking nonsense. Let me explain why.

What causes a cold? A virus, yes?

When you have a cold, do you say “I have nasal disorder, runny eye syndrome, coughing disorder or sore throat disease” when you go to the pharmacy? No, you say “I’ve got a cold!” You don’t pick out features of your cold as separate disorders, do you?

So, why do you do it with high anxiety?

Having high anxiety is like being ‘over happy’ or ‘over jealous’… it’s an emotion, like any other, the only difference being that it manifests as a range of more unpleasant sensations and thoughts because it activates the ‘fear response’.

BUT is it an illness?

What do you think?

Of course it isn’t! It’s an emotion that is used in self preservation.

The emotion of fear is adaptable – it has to be because wemove from positions of safety to danger throughout our lives, sometimes in minutes and it is vital for our safety that we are prepared for actions should a danger rear its head. In a high anxiety conditions, you are simply primed for ‘action’ all the time because your anxiety control center ‘THINKS’ it is in danger.

But why?

BECAUSE – your brain registers your anxiety symptoms as THREAT and responds with anxiety… this anxiety produces sensations, the sensations are detected as threat and so on… you are STUCK in an anxiety ‘feedback loop’… nothing more!

You have high anxiety and as sickening as it might be to admit it, THIS and only THIS, causes all that heartache, sadness, frustration and also the range of symptoms you experience.

To CURE an anxiety issue… we stop that feedback loop… it’s that simple!