“I have been a mental health nurse for 30 yrs and have an advanced diploma in counselling. I have been involved in the care of many people with various forms of anxiety, and it was only when I developed GAD myself due to long term stress and some pre disposed genetic personality traits that I began in earnest to look for a cure. I had been admitted briefly into psychiatric care, as at that time I had no real idea of the science behind what was causing my anxiety and keeping it alive, when the stresses had been removed.
I was on a cocktail of drugs, saw a psychologist and even had ECT! As it is now so obvious they never could have helped me, only perpetuated my situation.
I will be honest and say that when I first ordered the Linden Method, I didn’t give it much attention. My mum was a very anxious person and would be constantly causing my anxiety to heighten, just when I thought I was improving, this is when I remembered the bones of the method, the pillars and realised that being around my mum was keeping me in the habit. It was then that I started following the method in earnest, which meant not seeing my mum very often, she didn’t have the awareness or the will to follow the method. Within a few months I felt fantastic, better than I had even before the anxiety, and like you mention in your media, a sense of enlightenment!
My Daughter (above) has recently developed an OCD habit and I ordered her the method..she is an aware girl and is already almost free!! It is amazing and such a relief for our family.
I have always been a complete advocate for the method, but frustratingly not all those I know with anxiety seem to want to try it..why?? When it is the only way the mind and body can become inappropriate anxiety free, either consciously or not.
Obviously there are things that happen in life that cause appropriate short term anxiety, and I hope people don’t confuse the two and expect to never suffer from any anxiety ever, it’s what makes us human emotional beings.
Kind Regards and my never ending gratitude for you and the method and all those involved.”
Hayley Stephens RNMH ADV DIP COUNS
“You may or may not have heard of the Linden Method, in a nutshell it is a system that reprograms your brain not to have a panic or anxiety attack. It does this by targeting the causes at a brain level.
Your Amygdala is the area of your brain that triggers off the anxiety sensations. If you target this area then you can stop those anxious feelings, and hence stop panic attacks, along with other fears and phobias such as agoraphobia.
Now there are many methods out there, but the Linden Method is something special.
I have been in private practice since 1991, helped many a client with their stress or anxiety condition.
Charles Linden’s knowledge is extensive. He is an ex-sufferer, so knows exactly where you are coming from.
As for the program, well it is great. The successes occur quickly, for some relief is almost instant, for others you may need to wait for a few days or up to a few weeks to get full success. But if you’ve suffered for years, then a few weeks is worth waiting for.
The Linden Method is very simple; you are not overwhelmed with techniques you have to do. In fact this is very simple to follow and implement.
The method is backed by science, numerous psychologists around the world recommend this program and it has over 130,000 success stories.”
Dr Graeme Teague
NHS Trial Feedback
After the initial meeting with Charles Linden during the National Health Service trials of The Linden Method, the four young people were asked to complete feedback developed by the NHS specifically for the trial. Below are scans of those forms as completed by the subjects. We have ‘blacked out’ names for confidentiality. Bear in mind that these four people were referred to us as ‘problem cases’ because they hadn’t responded to the medications, counselling, support and psychotherapy they had been receiving, in most cases, over a number of years. Charles was with them initially for just one hour each and the results. Read for yourself how it changed their perspective.
“I’m a holistic health care practitioner and doctor of chiropractic in San Antonio, Texas. I’ve been in private practice since 1992, and over the course of my practice, I have come to recognize the importance of emotions in a person’s overall health.
The Linden Method is by far the most complete of the self-help programs I have come across that is specifically intended for recovery from panic attacks, anxiety attacks, panic disorder, and phobias.
In addition to providing an overall understanding of panic attacks, anxiety, phobias, and similar conditions, the Linden Method provides a step-by-step plan for recovery from panic attacks and anxiety and getting off of whatever anti-anxiety medications someone might be taking.
One big bonus that the Linden Method includes that none of the other programs reviewed do is that purchasers are given 1 year of unlimited email and telephone support with counselling professionals who are experts in using the Linden Method techniques. So, you’re not just “on your own” to figure out how to make the system work for you. If you’re having trouble, they have experts on hand to help you through any sticking points you may encounter. This bonus provides a tremendous value over the other products reviewed.
Other than that minor issue, I believe the Linden Method is an outstanding natural approach to eliminating anxiety and panic attacks and it is a tremendous value for the price, especially since it includes unlimited access to professional assistance.”
Dr. George Best
“Charles has worked extremely hard and has succeeded to pull himself back from what seemed like a hopeless situation and now he shows others how to do the same.”
Dr. Claire Bolton MBChB
“The Linden Method creates a full and successful recovery using targeted and supportive resources that are only available through this Method. The Linden Method is, in my opinion, the solution to anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, OCD and all their associated symptoms. Other therapies don’t produce these results that is for sure.”
Jenny Saunders BSc, MSc
Consultant Psychologist
“The Linden Method doesn’t dwell on giving blame or looking for reasons, it simply gives you the answers you need right now to defeat your anxiety and return quickly to lasting wellness, anxiety free.”
Ian Northcott BA (Hons) DHyp MHF FASC MHS MHRS MANLP
“I reviewed this product as a former panic anxiety sufferer and as a journalist who has studied the topic in-depth. My experience with the Canadian Mental Health Association made me even more aware of just how widespread panic and anxiety are across the country and around the globe. He shows you how to make the transition from your usual support systems, like doctors and medications, to self-support. Replace your old life, burdened by anxiety and all of its symptoms, to become anxiety and panic-free.”
Sylvia Dickens
“In my experience as a Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor especially, I believe that The Linden Method is the most common sense approach to anxiety disorders including panic attacks available.
I believe that the method is the ‘bare bones’ of the solution, the ‘Roadmap’ as Charles calls it. In truth, the method is not only the solution but a very simple to follow and the most impressively successful solution available.
This method puts other solutions to shame, it really does. I have seen CBT, medicinal therapies and other so called cures fail; Charles has cured the sufferers after they had given up hope. There is no other method that I would trust and have as much faith in as this.”
Jane Griffiths, Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor
“As a psychologist and an anxiety disorder and panic attacks sufferer, I had exhausted all avenues to find a solution. I found The Linden Method through a friend and decided to give it a try even though I was very skeptical at first. BUT, The Method is logical, scientific and easy to follow and it stopped my anxiety disorder and panic attacks in their tracks.”Sarah Coates, Psychologist