Category: <span>Anxiety Symptoms</span>

Anxiety symptoms – Explained and removed

Anxiety symptoms are not what they appear to be. Understand anxiety symptoms in context.

Commonly, anxiety symptoms are defined as the physical and mental manifestations of ILLNESS… but anxiety disorders aren’t illnesses… so what are these ‘anxiety symptoms’?

We at LTE, have all suffered from anxiety so we truly understand the level of suffering, frustration, despair and disruption anxiety symptoms cause but we also know that when the disorder is removed, the symptoms quickly disappear.

When suffering, it is so difficult to see anything other than the symptoms. They seem so overwhelming and worrying.

Anxiety conditions cause massive disruption within the systems of the human body but none of it is illness or disorder… the body is, actually, doing exactly what it evolved to do. The production of anxiety symptoms has a specific purpose.

Fear is isn’t actually an emotion… unlike emotions like happiness, sadness or anger, for example, which provide a physical and mental experience of external environments, fear is has a specific and unique function… to keep us safe.

Anxiety ‘symptoms’ are caused by the activation of bodily responses in preparation for action… fight or flight. Other anxiety symptoms, such as IBS, muscle pain, dizziness etc. are side-effects of that process.

Common Anxiety Symptoms

  • Smothering sensations and shortness of breath
  • Racing heart, slow heart beat, palpitations
  • Chest Pain
  • Globus Hystericus – ‘Lump in throat’ and difficulty swallowing
  • Blanching (colour loss in the skin)
  • Excessive Perspiration (sweating)
  • Shaking or shivering (visibly or internally)
  • Pain or numbness in the head, face, arms, neck or shoulders
  • Rapid gastric emptying
  • Indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhoea
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Symptoms of urinary tract infection
  • Increased need to urinate
  • Skin rashes
  • Weakness/tingling in arms, hands or feet
  • ‘Electric shock’ feelings (anywhere in the body)
  • Dry mouth
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Fears of going mad or losing control
  • Increased depression and suicidal feelings
  • Aggression
  • Symptoms like ‘flu’
  • Distorted vision
  • Disturbed hearing
  • Hormone problems
  • Headaches and feelings of having a ‘tight band around head’
  • Sore eyes
  • Agoraphobia
  • Hallucinations
  • ‘Creeping’ or ‘pins and needles’ sensations in the skin
  • Increased sensitivity to light, sound, touch, and smell
  • Hyperactivity
  • Dramatic increase in sexual feelings
  • Pain in the face or jaw (resembling toothache)
  • Derealisation and Depersonalisation
  • Panic Attacks
  • OCD – Obsessive thoughts and compulsions
  • Pure O – Inappropriate/strange thoughts

The above list isn’t, by any mean, exhaustive but very indicative of the wide range of anxiety symptoms they can experience.

facebook linden method anxiety symptoms
Facbook post

Does medication remove anxiety disorders or remove symptoms?

In a word… NO. Why? Because to remove the ‘symptoms’ of anxiety is to remove or address the physical responses of FEAR. That is wholly and practically impossible… and who would want to? Fear keeps us safe.

The only solution is to remove the disorder itself… returning disorder to ORDER. Which is what TLM does.

Does ‘therapy’ remove anxiety disorders?

facebook linden method anxiety symptoms
Facebook post

No… it cannot. In fact, talking therapies, including CBT, counselling, hypnosis and psycho-analysis will perpetuate and even worsen the condition.

Why? Because practice makes perfect. By doing the above practices, you are confirming that the anxiety is appropriate. This all happens sub-consciously regardless of what you want or feel. It’s like going on a treadmill and trying to prevent fitness.

The solution is simple, scientific, common sense, fast and so relieving.


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We only ask for your first name and email so that we can send you your information. We do not 'spam' your inbox. You can request to stop receiving the free recovery advice at any point. We will never provide your details to a third party.

Panic Attack Symptoms

panic attack symptoms recoveryAre you having or do you ever have panic attack symptoms?

First of all understand that panic attacks are a normal and natural response during an anxiety disorder; the panic attack symptoms you experience, whilst unpleasant, cannot harm you.

Most practitioners don’t understand what panic attacks are, why they cause these symptoms, what their function is or why they happen.

Despite what you have been told, panic attacks do have a function and can be stopped completely but not by drugs or talking therapy.

We have been showing people how to quickly erase panic attack symptoms since 1996.

When our director, Charles Linden, filmed his Stress Less TV series, he created an episode on panic attacks and their symptoms. You can view it below.


Panic attack symptoms are not what you believe them to be.

Over the last 20 years we have shown many thousands of people how to quickly overcome their panic attacks and overcome the anxiety behind them.

Scientific, simple, supported, accessible and wonderfully inspiring, all of the recovery tools we have created have been created by ex sufferers and our team of qualified specialists and used by over 200,000 people over 20 years of practice.

We have a variety of options to give you immediate access to the support and tools you need to overcome your panic attacks and all of the symptoms they cause, quickly and effectively.

How we can help you – Our mobile enabled recovery portal and apps.

In our recovery portal you will have immediate access to:

  • Our Panic Attack Talk-down videos to use anywhere in order to stop panic attack symptoms in their tracks
  • The Panic Attack Eliminator – Instructions on how to erase panic attacks for good
  • The Linden Method – To re-set your emotional equilibrium
  • Constant support and guidance from our qualified team
  • Recovery webinars and training
  • All of our books and TV series to speed up your recovery
  • Relaxations and visualisations
  • Help to create effective sleep and to improve your physical health
  • Help for digestive issues, palpitations/pain, breathing, muscle pains etc.
  • …in fact, everything you’ll need to recover from panic attack symptoms and anxiety effectively


Do not tolerate another day of panic attack symptoms when the solution is so simple and fast.

Call one of our specialists now or join one of our programmes to get fast, immediate and constant support and guidance to erase your panic attack symptoms completely.

Recovery portal and printed packs with support

Click here or on the image below to get details of our mobile enabled portal or our home learning pack.

panic attack symptoms advice











Residential Recovery Retreats

For information about our residential Recovery Retreats and Workshops click here or on the image below.

You can also contact Retreats coordinator, Jo Goodchild, on +44 (0)1562 732078

panic attacks symptoms










Anxiety Recovery

Me aged 14 Months
Me aged 14 Months

From 1970, maybe even before that, till 1997, I was a sufferer. I experienced a constant sense of impending doom, a sense of frailty, a constant sense that the world would swallow me up… I was terrified most of the time. At school, I was timid, shy, looked sad and didn’t feel part of the crowd. I had chrnoic hayfever, exercise and hayfever related astham and was overweight. I knew I was ‘different’ but what was I supposed to do about it? I had no idea what was wrong with me or that something was wrong with me at all… I just thought that I was feeling what every other lad felt.

People say to me all the time that stating that we provide ‘recovery’ and ‘the cure’ is misinformation because anxiety can’t be cured, it’s an emotion… how wrong they are.


Me aged 4 Years
Me aged 4 Years

To explain this in simple terms that everyone can understand – “we all need to defecate, but no one needs diarrhoea” – Does that make sense?

Fear is an emotion… anxiety is the inappropriate manifestation of fear. So fear can’t be cured because it’s an important and incurable emotion but anxiety is a ‘disorder’ for want of a better word!

It’s so easy for people to misinterpret the outward symptoms of an anxiety disorder, to align anxiety alongside mental illness, to prescribe medication, to undermine a person’s sense of wellness with talk of ‘anxiety management’ and ‘coping strategies’.

Then there are the resources – CBT, counselling, psychiatry, online forums, charities – which of these provide curative treatments? Which move people out of negative environments, negative thought patterns, negative verbal exchanges? None. They all promote constant, conscious focus on the condition, the dilema they cause and the ‘thoughts’ associated with the conditions… but none switch off the inappropriate fear.


Me aged 11
Me aged 11

So when clients come to us desperate after years of all these, they are untrusting. They are often disconnected from the concept of change or recovery and they are often at a point where they have moved past desperation and are now resigned to a life of constant fear, medication and symptoms.

I was that person too once.

Since 1997 we have helped so many people to understand that this is not their fate and within days, have shown them that recovery is, not only, possible but also the normal, expected and definite product of the program I developed.

I have never seen someone fail to recover. Never. The only ones who do fail are the ones that don’t do it… but that’s not failure, that’s either disbelief or negativity.


Me aged 13
Me aged 13

We do all we can to show people the overwhelming evidence that what we do will help them… you’ll find some of that evidence on this website… and if they still doubt us, I suggest they go off and ask any psychologist or psychotherapist working in practice, to show them their evidence for curative outcomes… when they come back to us, we will then help them, secure in the knowledge that they not only believe in us, but will also comply and recover with our assistance.

Charles Linden