Trust is vital in any treatment model – ETHICS

Trust is vital in any treatment model – ETHICS

trust1Who do you trust 100%?

This is such a difficult question to answer because none of us has the ability to climb into someone elses head and see the world from their perspective but there are benchmarks and traits we all perceive in others that give us vital indicators as to whether to believe in the people we meet.

In any therapeutic process, it is vital that the people involved are open and honest, that they are respectful and clear about their intentions, abilities and reassurances.

There are so many people out there in the world who are protected by their accreditations, qualifications and positions who also abuse those things, become obsessed with their own sense of self-importance and forget that the focus of any practitioner SHOULD be on the patient, the patient’s wellbeing and the patient’s future.

Do you trust people just because you SHOULD or because you have been told to… is the trust based on social conditioning or trust based on FACT?

So many people are in it for the money. Yes, they have to earn a living but they should KNOW that what they do produces results, that those results are measurable, that patients are happy and satisfied at the end of the process and that all of the positive outcomes are publicised and visible for the world to see. How many comments and testimonials do you see on Drs, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherspist websites?

You see, we live in a very ‘data rich’ world now. People are very happy to publicise their private lives online and off. Most people ‘self’ promote’ happily, with vigour, but still you see very little evidence from patients and practitioners that what they have experienced has cured them… I reserve comment on why that might be.

Meanwhile, increasingly, some practitioners have become very open, public and vocal about how they see other practitioners, practices and techniques. Just this morning I was on Twitter and saw tweets from a very respected Dr of psychology calling other practitioners/practices ‘quacks’ and writing very damaging, scathing and even, potentially litigious, comments about other people, just because what they do is disagreeable to him… because it’s better than he provides or because it’s worse??? Would YOU trust this man?


We don’t always get it right… as humans we have a responsibility to do and be the best we can be… we do sometimes get it wrong… but ethical behaviour is vital and means that trust is far easier to generate. If you get it wrong, say so and apologise (if appropriate) but never state untruths or carry on regardless when you know, or suspect that, what you are doing is wrong.

The proof all pudding is in the eating… in the same way as people say ‘there is no smoke without fire’, there is also very often a case that massive independent support for a person, organisation or offering is there because it provides people with what they need despite what others might think or say.

We, as an organisation, have a policy of open, clear values. We invite debate. We love what we do and we do it with the very best intentions.

Charles Linden

Director. LTEC


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