Do you experience depression?

depressionIf you have been told that you suffer from anxiety with depression, this page is for YOU

Do you experience:

  • Anxiety
  • Isolation
  • Low mood
  • Sadness
  • Desperation
  • Confusion
  • Emptiness
  • Panic attacks
  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Health anxiety
  • Fear of dying/death
  • Phobias

All of the above are the words that our patients have used to describe how they are feeling when they come to us for help.

Depression and anxiety cause enormous disruption in people’s lives and we at the centre understand fully the heartache and distress depression causes sufferers and their families and the knock on effect depression has on work, social and family lives.

Our team have helped many thousands of people to find peace and recovery and their constant guidance, reassurance and support provides a solid foundation for real, lasting change.

We will:

  • Provide practical tactics to help you feel better fast
  • Provide tools and resources to expedite your recovery and enhance your life
  • Provide life-coaching advice to bring about real long-term change
  • Support, guide and reassure you constantly by email and phone
  • Give you the level of access to what you need in order to change how you feel fast

We all love what we do because what we do changes lives.

In 1997 I devised a process that cured my every bit of anxiety, panic, agoraphobia, health anxiety, depersonalization, derealisation, depression and every symptom I tolerated for over 27 years. My obsessive focuses just STOPPED. I didn’t need to address them separately or discuss, analyze or dissect them… they simply left me. Since that time, I have helped millions of people with anxiety disorders to create the same recoveries… over 180,000 people through my home learning programs alone.

Now, that same process is an accredited therapy called LAR and TLM is the programme that delivers it. The programme that will remove your anxiety and depression fully.

The programme has a 100% success rate at reducing anxiety levels from severe to normal in university led trials and it is used in practice and recommended by doctors world-over.

By implementing a very simple structure and by applying some very simple rules, which require no real effort, are invisible to all others and which remove anxiety and depression at its source, you will recover very quickly indeed.


By, literally, switching off the mechanism that causes the conditions to be generated and by correcting anxiety levels ‘systemically’ in the autonomic nervous system.

In plain English… you will learn how deactivate the neurology that causes it.

Will it work?

It can’t fail… this is just like eating to satisfy hunger… a preset process controls these thoughts… what we show you deactivates them.

This will remove your anxiety disorder… This will prevent you from suffering ever again.

We are here for you.

Our team are BACP/LAR member mental healthcare practitioners trained to deliver anxiety recovery working within strict guidelines. They will NEVER write down notes, divulge information or judge you… again, because they were you once and also because they are strictly regulated by accredited governing bodies and have thousands of hours experience helping people just like you… over 180,000 in fact… to recover.

No one will know you are following our programme… they will just see you recover.

Is it easy?

Well, put it this way… this same process is used by children under 10 to overcome their anxiety disorders so, yes, it couldn’t be easier. The treatment and recovery is the same in every case.

believe me, you are NOT alone.

We have helped thousands of people. This is so scientific, so simple, so accessible… you will soon see why this process is taught to practitioners as the new treatment for anxiety disorders and depression… you’ll feel it working.

There are millions of people on the streets of the world thinking exactly the same thoughts as you and living with the symptoms you experience each day, but none of their doctors, psychologists or other practitioners have been able to explain where these thoughts and symptoms come from or what to do about them, why, because they have absolutely no idea! That’s where our experience takes over.

So how can I help you?

In The Linden Method, I will show you exactly what to do to erase your condition

I will explain exactly what causes your thoughts and fears and how to stop them fast

The Linden Method program is accessible in the next 5 minutes

It includes unlimited recovery guidance by phone and email

It works or your money back

Simple, specific guidance on how to remove your anxiety and depression

Immediately you arrive in The Linden Method members area, you will get specific guidance about recovering from your condition and every other thought and symptom you experience FAST. This simple instruction audio will provide you with the information you need in order to understand your condition’s true nature and to remove it fully, quickly and simply.

We are not some ‘fly by night’ ebook sales online con… we are an accredited learning centre containing accredited mental health professionals (with a difference) – we focus on true and full recovery.

NO CBT. NO hypnotherapy. NO mumbo-jumbo. NO medication. NO endless talking or analysing.

Just plain and simple scientific tactics to put in place today in order to finally end the nonsense you tolerate each day.

I was you once and now I live a full and fulfilling anxiety, depression, obsession and panic free life, just like all my recovered clients. tens of thousands of them.

I assure you that if you follow my guidance, over the next days, not only will it all make complete sense, but your anxiety, depression and every thought, symptom and sensation will evaporate… because that’s just the way the brain and body work!

Do The Linden Method or call one of our Specialists to find out more… don’t worry, you don’t have to talk about things that make you feel anxious or uncomfortable if you don’t want to… just explain that you want to address your anxiety disorder and they’ll lead you to recovery.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world access to materials and support is the same and our clients are equally and evenly spread around the world!



Linden Tree Education
Linden Recovery

USA – 1800 486 0458
UK – 0800 069 9898

Call for an informal chat or to order – Order the Method online below

UK call 0800 069 9898 – USA 1800 486 0458


Read some of the testimonials we have received from patients here

If you are interested in workshop or residential programs please call the centre and we will talk you through the various options available to you

Contact us now using the number at the top of this page for a free, no obligation consultation with one of our Specialists and discover how we can help you to feel better.