How we will help you

Common sense, real science applied simply

How will we help you? It’s simple…

Reassurance – Knowledge – Instructions – Support

We will:

  • Prove to you that your conditions aren’t what you have been led to believe
  • Show you the simple science that explains away every symptom and thought
  • Explain WHY you suffer and how special that makes you
  • Show you that, despite how you feel today, you can feel so much better by tomorrow
  • Give you simple, common sense recovery  instructions
  • Provide you with £90/$140 a hour specialists to guide you FREE of charge

The reason other therapies and medication have failed you will be explained fully.

The reason you suffer despite desperately not wanting to will be explained.

Every thought, symptom and condition, from GAD to self-harming, from agoraphobia to fear of dying, will be explained and removed.

Even if other life factors are ‘in the way’, TLM will show you how to become disorder free despite them. TLM wipes out emotional imbalances completely.

Other therapies and medication

No matter what other treatments you are having, TLM cuts straight through to the disordered part of your emotions removing the unwanted, negative responses that take away your enjoyment of life!

Even if you take antidepressents, sedatives or any other medications, TLM works.

Even if you are seeing a psychologist, psychiatrist or counsellor, having hypnotherapy or any other treatment, TLM will over-ride it and solve the problem before you know it.