Program Trial Outcomes
61 participants – Average incoming GAD7 score of 18.24 – Post-treatment average score of 2.84 – Average result – From Chronic to Recovered
Your patient’s fast recovery and our provision of a beneficial, supportive framework is our primary focus
Do you have ‘heart sink’ patients with anxiety?
Would they benefit from professional, experienced anxiety recovery guidance today?
Are your ‘frequent flyers’ using valuable resources in order to gain reassurance?
Do you need a qualified team to take over first line care for your anxious patients?
A message to GPs, CCGs and Health Workers from 16 Year Old Hollie
Signposting your patients to TLM Anxiety Recovery
This is the first step to providing the support and guidance your patient desperately needs in order to move swiftly towards recovery
On day one… today… our team will take over the management of your anxious patients, provide them with accessible reassurance and guidance and lead them down a recovery process. This takes the pressure off local healthcare in addition to taking the pressure off GPs who don’t have enough time to spend reassuring anxious patients.
We understand anxiety conditions because our staff all have first hand knowledge of suffering and are all qualified mental health specialists with thousands of hours experience leading patients to recovery