If you or someone you care about suffer from OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder, we can help.
The first things for you to understand… and this is vitally important… is that OCD does not cause anxiety… anxiety causes OCD. OCD CANNOT exist without an underlying high anxiety state.
This fact often flies in the face of what you will be told in mental health and medical practice but scientifically it is 100% accurate and also, not only, the reason that previous attempts to cure you have failed, but also the very science on which your recovery will be built!
Accronyms like OCD, PTSD, HOCD, PureO, ROCD, GAD etc are all shortened versions of names given to fictitios conditions… anxiety disorder is what you suffer from… OCD is a feature of that condition, just like a runny nose is a feature of a cold. Agoraphobia, eating disorders, panic attacks, phobias, obsessions and all the other ‘symptoms’ of a high anxiety state are just that… symptoms. If I could reach inside your head and deactivate your anxiety disorder, your OCD would STOP.
The problem has always been that medicine and psychology has focused on the behaviours and conscious thoughts involved in OCD and haven’t understood the CAUSE of OCD and indeed, anxiety disorders in general. As I said, most OCD resources, including the charities might have you believe, because it’s easy to do so and they often don’t understand the truth, that your OCD is a mental illness, is incurable, is a ‘stand-alone’ condition, can be cured with talking therapies or medication… these are absolutely UNTRUE and we will prove it to you!
Our accredited team have helped tens of thousands of OCD sufferers just like you to recover fully – they are all MBACP and LAR accredited, our organization is BACP, NCFE and AC and our programs are accredited therapies… and so simple to do.
How do I know that YOU will recover?
Well firstly, this is exactly what happened to me after 27 years of OCD, panic, agoraphobia and eating disorders and secondly, because since 1997 myself and the organization I created have helped millions of people to understand and overcome their anxiety disorders and withouyt fail, they recover… IF they do what the brain needs in order to do so… and it’s so simple.
Whether you suffer from classic OCD, involving compulsions or HOCD, ROCD, POCD, OCD, panic, anxiety, agoraphobia, depression, health anxiety… indeed any of the conditions associated with anxiety, stress and depression, we know how you can quickly recover.
- I personally know how it is to wake every day fighting intrusive, inappropriate thoughts.
- I know how it feels to have these thoughts banging away inside your head whilst dealing with life circumstances and family issues.
- I know how it feels to be ashamed of your own thoughts and embarassed or even frightened to talk to anyone about them.
- I know how anxious, panicky, confused, frustrated and isolated you might be feeling.
- I know how the obsessions draw you in and take over.
- I know what to o to stop it all from happening.
I know all this because I was the same once!!
In 1997 I devised a process that completely and simply cured my obsessive compulsive disorder, my inappropriate thoughts and every bit of anxiety, panic, agoraphobia, health anxiety, depersonalisation, derealisation and every symptom I tolerated for over 27 years.
Now, that same process is an accredited therapy called LAR and TLM (The Linden Method) is the programme that delivers it to you.
The programme has a 100% success rate at reducing anxiety levels from severe to normal in university led trials and it is used in practice and recommended by doctors world-over.
By implementing a very simple structure and by applying some very simple rules, which require no real effort, are invisible to all others and which remove HOCD and anxiety at its source, you will recover very quickly indeed.
By, literally, switching off the mechanism that causes the thoughts to be generated and by correcting anxiety levels ‘systemically’ in the autonomic nervous system. It’s so scientific, simple and effective because it addresses the true cause.
Will it work? It can’t fail… this is just like eating to satisfy hunger… a preset process controls these thoughts… what we show you deactivates them.
We are here for you.
Our team are accredited and regulated mental healthcare practitioners trained to deliver anxiety recovery working within strict guidelines. They will NEVER write down notes, divulge information or judge you… again, because they were you once and also because they are strictly regulated by accredited governing bodies and have thousands of hours experience helping people just like you… over 420,000 in fact… to recover.
No one will know you are following our programme… they will just see you recover.
Is it easy?
Well, put it this way… we help children of 5 years overcome the very same thoughts and anxieties you are experiencing… YES, children get it too, in fact, last week I helped a 12 year old girl who was scared of harming her younger sister in the same way and she is one of thousands we have helped. The treatment and recovery is the same in every case.
You are NOT alone. Similarly, we have helped thousands of people who think they might harm a family member or child, religious people frightened that they will loose their faith and atheists who are frightened they might be struck down by a bolt of lightening for not believing… and the list goes on.
There are millions of people on the streets of the world thinking exactly the same thoughts as you… good people with no intention or capacity to harm a soul!
The Linden Method program is accessible in the next 5 minutes. It includes unlimited recovery guidance by phone and email. It works or your money back.
Simple, specific guidance on how to remove OCD
Immediately you arrive in The Linden Method members area, you will get specific guidance about recovery from OCD and every other thought and symptom you experience FAST. I will tell you what causes your condition and how to quickly erase it in this short instructional audio.
This simple instruction audio will provide you with the information you need in order to understand OCD’s true nature and to remove it fully, quickly and simply.
We are not some ‘fly by night’ ebook sales online con… we are an accredited learning centre containing mental health professionals (with a difference) – we focus on true and full recovery.
NO CBT. NO hypnotherapy. NO mumbo-jumbo. NO medication. NO endless talking or analysing. Just plain and simple scientific tactics to put in place today in order to finally end the nonsense you tolerate each day.
I was you once and now I live a full and fulfilling anxiety, obsession and panic free life, just like all my clients.
I assure you that if you follow my guidance, over the next days, not only will it all make complete sense, but your OCD and every thought, symptom and sensation will evaporate… because that’s just the way the brain and body work!
Do The Linden Method or call one of our Specialists to find out more… don’t worry, you don’t have to talk about your thoughts if you don’t want to… just explain that you want to address your anxiety disorder and they’ll lead you to recovery.
It doesn’t matter where you are in the world access to materials and support is the same and our clients are equally and evenly spread around the world!
Linden Tree Education
Linden Recovery
USA – 1800 486 0458
UK – +44(0)1562 702720
Call for an informal chat or to order – Order the Method online below
UK call +44(0)1562 702720 – USA 1800 486 0458
You can also talk to our Specialists about our Retreat and Workshop programmes if you prefer a residential experience.