Richard’s Depersonalisation Recovery Story

Hi my name is Richard and I overcame Depersonalisation




Hello, my name is Richard from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England.

I was always an anxious person, even from a very young age. All the way through school I was the one that would sit at the back of the classroom and avoid communication with others, which made my anxiety bearable. My anxiety really reached its peak when I was around 18 years old.

I suffered from derealisation, depersonalisation, GAD, agoraphobia, panic attacks as well as scary and disturbing thoughts, for around 4 years of my life.  It felt like my life was coming to an end and I thought I was going insane – I couldn’t enjoy anything I previously liked to do without feeling overwhelmed with anxiety.  All the things I loved to do in life, such as going on holiday, celebrating Christmas and meals out with my family became a chore.  I did my best to hide my anxiety from people but inside I was an anxious mess.

I eventually lost contact with my friends, as I was too anxious to go out and see them, even a short train ride to a neighbouring town was a huge challenge for me. All I wanted to do was to stay in my bedroom at home, obsessively researching my symptoms on the Internet. My anxiety started off initially with derealisation and later with depersonalisation.

I clearly remember one morning, I was out on a walk with my parents in the countryside and something just didn’t seem quite right. It was as though I was looking through a strange veil of fog, nothing seemed as it should be and when I looked in the mirror I couldn’t recognise my own reflection. I even found myself pinching and biting my arms to reassure myself that I was actually awake and not dreaming. The more I worried about derealisation, the more my anxiety spiralled out of control to such an extent that I eventually experience terrifying panic attacks that would suddenly and randomly appear and ruin whatever I was doing.

“I clearly remember one morning, I was out on a walk with my parents in the countryside and something just didn’t seem quite right.”

As a result I feared going outside, which grew into rather severe agoraphobia. Even when I was house bound my anxiety still managed to find things to panic about. I then started to have anxiety about harming other people; my mind finding the worst possible scenarios and then running with it- my anxiety would go into a never ending cycle of “what if” thinking – for example, what if I accidently killed someone? What if I have upset someone in some way? I became a recluse in my home and the thought of talking to my parents about it terrified me, often resulting in me snapping at the people I loved and then crying.

I went to the doctors in the village where I lived and was put on the waiting list to get CBT treatment. I was offered medication to help me “cope with” my anxiety disorder. My life was completely miserable and I was really at my wit’s end.  


One day while obsessively searching on YouTube, I came across Charles Linden and The Linden Method. This was a total life changer for me. I finally found someone who talked sense and really understood what I was experiencing. Without hesitation I decided to purchase The Home Learning Linden Method pack and it was the best thing I have ever bought, it had a massive impact on my life.

The Linden Method team were a huge support for me, they understood all of the sensations and symptoms I was feeling and they always gave me first class guidance during my recovery. Since using The Linden Method I have become 100% anxiety free. I used to wake up and drag myself to my menial job working at a pet food shop, barely able to go outside. After I started to implement The Linden Method into my life I felt the changes very quickly and started to regain my life back, to the extent that I travelled to China alone and spent over 6 years there.

I went from having no qualifications and poor grades at school to having a First Class Degree (B. A.) in Mandarin Chinese – all because I rid myself of my anxiety and got shut of this massive drain on my life. I am now a Chinese interpreter and teacher and I love my life. I wake up every morning and think of the things that I can do in my life that challenge and excite me. I am no longer stuck in my bedroom trying to get through the next five minutes without worrying about having a panic attack.

I have now decided to become an Ambassador of The Linden Method to help those people who are suffering like I suffered. I remember what it felt like when my anxiety was at its worst, all I wanted was someone to reassure me and to tell me that what I was experiencing was normal and that I could one day be totally anxiety free and I didn’t have to “manage” my anxiety for the rest of my life. I am proof that the Linden method really does work and you can get your life back. Just trust me, you can get your life back.

Hi, my name is Beth, I am director of Linden Tree Education.

You will receive unlimited, qualified support from amazing Recovery Specialists when you start the courses.

If you wish to receive guidance or support, please contact the support team through the TLM  Members Portal

If you wish to book a course, please contact Beth is director of Linden Recovery and course director of the Anxiety Recovery Retreat programmes.

Beth Linden. Director.
Linden Tree Edu.