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Watch the video that will change everything you
presently believe about stress & anxiety disorders

The video that will change everything you think you know about your anxiety
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FREE Recovery Seminar, Info Pack & Emails

Watch the seminar now and receive the recovery information pack and email guidance. Add your details and click submit.

We only ask for your first name and email so that we can send you your information. We do not 'spam' your inbox. You can request to stop receiving the free recovery advice at any point. We will never provide your details to a third party.

The Solution Healthcare & Corporates NEED

Anxiety – Panic – OCD – Agoraphobia – Health Anxiety – Depression – ME – CFS

How do you save the NHS £billions

How do you prevent mental health related absenteeism?

How do you find a resource that will take over mental health care for you?

How do you help every ‘frequent flier’?

How do you take the strain off primary and secondary care?

You implement a programme that has a proven 100% success rate at lowering anxiety levels and returning people to normal emotional responses.

GAD7 18.24 to 2.84 in university trials. That’s an average outcome of total recovery.

A programme that has helped over 184,000 people since 1997… a programme with support provided by accredited, experienced MBACP anxiety recovery specialists.

Consider this… you could hand over the complete management and treatment of all your stress, anxiety and depression suffering clients, employees or patients… and save a small fortune.

A programme that:

  • – is the oldest online provision of mental health recovery services in the world
  • – achieved 100% total efficacy in NHS specified trial
  • – costs less than most single therapy sessions but covers a year’s access and support
  • – is day one access to resources and support
  • – aligns with NICE guidelines
  • – keeps patients IN WORK or gets them back and productive fast
  • – has treated over 260,000 people with incredible outcomes
  • – can be accessed anonymously to preserve confidentiality
  • – accredited by the NCFE
  • – administered by MBACP practitioners
  • – provides constant unlimited guidance
  • – provides resources for all major anxiety disorders and depression
  • – is as effective for ME and CFS
  • – can be used by people with learning disabilities
  • – can be used by people of any age
  • – provides professional level training for your staff (if required)
  • – provides programmes for schools, higher education and armed forces


Instead of dealing with anxious people and facing the constant bombardment of concerns they bring with them in any environment, we will do that for you.

Just call Beth Linden today to find out how we can help you to manage this problem and save you time, heartache and money!

01562 742004 or 0800 069 9898


Child Anxiety, Panic, Phobias and Depression

Childhood anxiety recovery and recovery practitioner training

Programmes for individuals, schools and practitioner training

Let our team show you how you can quickly remove anxiety disorder from your child’s life

Our recovery solution is the only dedicated, accredited anxiety disorder recovery therapy and has helped over 170,000 people to find peace from anxiety disorders.

Does your child experience:

  • Panic attacks
  • Generalised anxiety
  • Agoraphobia/school phobia
  • Fear of dying/morbid thoughts
  • Obsessions/Rituals
  • Self harming – Hair Pulling/Cutting
  • Depressed mood

Our team and recovery programmes have been specifically developed to provide:

  • Immediate access to resources and support
  • Constant guidance by qualified professionals
  • Support, reassurance and guidance for parents
  • Recovery targeted advice, not coping or management strategies
  • Support in and out of the educational environment
  • Training for school staff and support for teaching staff who suffer

Never before, in human history, has there been such a negatively influential world for children and teenagers to grow up in!

Child and teenage mental and physical health is now a far larger concern than ever before…

…but why?

Young people are living ever more static, stressful and anxiety inducing lives and the reasons for this are all around us.

Millions of catalysts and millions of environmental factors conspire to create less physically and mentally capable young people.

A young person’s world is far more stressful now than ever before in human history and those with, what we call, creative intellect, are the most vulnerable… they are the ones that develop school phobia, obsessions, panic disorder, agoraphobia, health anxiety, fear of death, separation anxiety; they are the ones we see coming  through to the centre.

A young person’s life is complex enough, but recent technological and social advancements have created some serious threats to physical and mental health and we see the impact of this every day.

Regardless of what has caused a young person’s anxiety to develop, the solution is the same in every case.

Our programmes have been developed to be both supportive but also CURATIVE… we aim for complete well-being and we achieve it.

16 Year Old Hollie Talks About Her Life-Changing Experience

What if we could manage and lead all anxious children and teenagers to fast and lifelong recovery?

We have provided programs of support to thousands of young people and their parents; helping them to find fast and lasting recovery and to also quickly discover their true abilities and fulfillment.

What are the most influential negative influences to mental and physical health in young people?

The list is almost endless but some of the most negative influences are:

  • Family issues such as grief, divorce, money worries
  • Political issues such as terrorism
  • Natural disasters
  • News programmes
  • Pressure of performing well at school
  • Examination pressure
  • Pressure not to disappoint parents
  • Awareness of own and parental mortality
  • Bullying
  • Social media bullying
  • Increased access to inappropriate media (TV, Films Pornography etc.)
  • Increased awareness of risks (Paedophiles, violence etc.)
  • Separation anxiety
  • Peer pressure

What about the psychological and neurological effect on children?

  • The endocrine system is receiving incorrect evidence of threat from games being played. Stress hormones, including adrenalin are released but not used up through fight or flight.
  • Increased stress hormones are perpetually cycled within the child’s body causing a myriad of physiological responses including high anxiety. These can lead to a range of anxiety related conditions including panic attacks, agoraphobia, school phobia, inappropriate thoughts, fear of dying/death, separation anxiety, insomnia, low mood, agression etc.
  • Stress and anxiety related stomach complaints can develop – IBS, indigestion, diarrhoea, nausea, butterflies etc.
  • Migraines and head pains through stress related tension and compression of vital blood vessels and nerves in the neck and scalp may develop
  • Depression – Low mood may develop due to the above reasons but also due to lack of sunlight, frsh air, social interaction, correct diet etc
  • Agressive outbursts may develop due to all the factors above – these are chemical in nature and not always due to the ‘Kevin’ stage of development
  • Sadness, tendency to cry and childish behaviour may develop
  • Surpressed immunity due to internal environment, heating etc. but also due to a lack of contact with ‘good bacteria and viruses’ that strengthen the immune system
  • Lack of interest in external events and social occassions – avoidance behaviours may develop
  • Insomnia – inability to fall asleep or stay asleep
  • Nightmares or restless sleep – This can lead to daytime tiredness and lack of attention
  • Loss of the ability to communicate effectively due to minimal social development/interaction
  • Limited fulfilment – Due to a lack of ‘rewards’. Rewards, in this instance, mean the incoming sensory data that reflects the positive things achieved.
  • Limited happiness – What data goes in through the senses is mirrored by the chemical response to them. Put happy, pleasurable, interesting data in – get positive chemical and therefore, emotional responses out!
  • Separation anxiety/agoraphobia – Due to lack of geographic movement and heightened anxiety through game play, a child may become less ‘mobile’ or less interested in days out, trips or even visiting friends.
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder – Children can become obsessive about their devices – If this is coupled with recognisable high anxiety, this is a form of OCD – The child may also display symptoms of classic OCD.
  • Health anxiety – Children often become concerned about their health, asking questions about various conditions and checking with a trusted adult that the spot on their hand isn’t skin cancer for example.

The lists could go on.

There are so many manifestations of stress and anxiety states in children but none should be taken lightly.

How can we help parents, schools and anxious children?

Our programmes and training provide a bespoke, ‘day one access programme’ of recovery for anxious children through two conduits.

These are:

  • Direct access to our home learning programme with central telephone and email guidance by our MBACP Anxiety Recovery Specialists
  • In-house traing for a staff member (a school nurse or psychotherapist for example) as a LAR Anxiety Recovery Practitioner (NCFE Level 4)

Direct Access Home Learning programme

We can provide parents and schools with:

  • [list type=”decimal” icon=”fa-check”][list_item]An online portal for anxious children and their parent/guardian to access on and off-site
  • Unlimited and direct access online, telephone and email support and guidance for the anxious children and a parent/guardian (MBACP)
  • Our printed Anxiety Recovery programme with telephone and email support for the child and a parent/guardian
  • A webinar or live seminar/workshop for anxious children and their parent/guardian
  • A wealth of CDs, DVDs and other materials for you, the children and parent/guardians
  • Direct telephone and email guidance by our qualified MBACP Specialists for your school staff members

In-house training for your school staff

We can provide:

  • NCFE Level 4 Accreditation as a LAR Anxiety Recovery Coach for your school’s staff member/s (110 hr online or 3 day on-site format)
  • On-going support and guidance for your accredited LAR Coach from our central team
  • Constant training updates and membership of our growing LAR global Coaching team
  • All LAR materials to use with anxious children and their parent/guardian
  • Online resources for the child and parent/guardian to use remotely
  • Bespoke materials and services for your school and its pupils

Our child anxiety programme is the antidote to the pandemic of anxiety related disorders in children and adults.

Once an anxiety disorder has developed simply removing the initial catalyst isn’t going to undo the changes that have caused the anxiety disorder… but, we can help you to manage every individual case and provide truly curative techniques to help the child to regain lost confidence and remove the disorder for good.

Does it work?

Our programmes have 22 years of success with over 260,000 ex clients

TRIALS: Our programmes have been tested by research psychologists and the outcomes are unmatched – the average reduction in anxiety levels in our 2014 study was from 18.24 out of 21 (severe) to 2.84 out of 21 (below normal) – this means that the average experience of the test subjects was total recovery.

charles-linden“Not only do our programmes provide young people with an anxiety recovery process, but within it is strict guidance with regard to implementing daily tasks and devices which provide equally fulfilling sensory feedback, but also have the effect of bringing about physical and mental equilibrium… a happier, healthier, more focused child.” Charles Linden

All of our programmes include support for both the child and an adult by telephone and email.

You can call one of our team now to understand more about how we can help you to help your anxious child, pupils and their families on 01562 742004

Beth can also be reached by email at

Do not despair – Child anxiety isn’t difficult to overcome – Children are, by their very biology, more compliant than adults and our programmes and advice are so engaging and successful that the physical effect will spur them on to do more and become the people they are meant to be.


Call for an informal chat or to order – Order the Method online below

UK call 0800 069 9898 – USA 1800 486 0458









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