Postnatal Depression and Anxiety

postnatal anxiety depressionHave you felt physically and emotionally ‘different’ since the birth of your child?


Is postnatal depression or anxiety bringing you down?

There is absolutely no need to tolerate that!

Do you experience:

  • Feelings of being overwhelmed
  • Inappropriate thoughts – aggressive or otherwise
  • ‘Dark’ days or thoughts
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Panic attacks

There are so many physiological and psychological factors that come into play influencing how you feel during and after pregnancy, such as:

  • Hormones
  • Posture
  • Breathing
  • Digestion
  • Circulation
  • Sleep patterns
  • Social changes
  • Work changes
  • …and more

The influence of these combined factors can, in many cases, give rise to not just physiological and mental health issues, but also effect a wide range of social, relationship and work issues which had previously provided equilibrium and intellectual fulfilment in your life.

Having a baby is life-changing, but it shouldn’t mean that you feel depressed, anxious, overwhelmed or desperate… ever.

If you feel that way, there is much that can be achieved to reverse how you feel and to make life more fulfilling and enjoyable… quickly.

Support & Guidance

All of our Depression and Anxiety Specialists are mothers who have previously suffered with anxiety so they truly understand what you are experiencing.

Our Specialists are also qualified psychotherapists with a raft of knowledge and many years of experience assisting women to regain physical and psychological equilibrium – assisting them to move forward with their lives and to regain the sense of fulfilment they once had.

Access to your Recovery Specialist is unlimited during your membership – Each membership lasts for 12 months.

Our programmes

Our programmes all use LAR recovery the world’s only dedicated, accredited anxiety disorder recovery therapy.

LAR and TLM (The Linden Method programme) produce curative results by eliminating anxiety and restoring normal emotional responses.

All of our programmes have been developed to carry out remotely from your home.

It is so simple – Follow the simple directions provided in the Linden Method pack and access our support services as and when you need to.

Our support team are here for you when you need them. No appointments necessary just call or email as required!

The team are all MBACP and LAR accredited

By doing as instructed, you will find that your life, mental and physical health and sense of wellbeing will return quickly. All of our programmes are guaranteed and the fees are more than affordable.


Call for an informal chat or to order – Order the Method online below

UK call 0800 069 9898 – USA 1800 486 0458

postnatal anxiety depression

Free Consultation

Ask any question and get straight, sensible answers. We provide solutions, not management – We will do all we can to make your recovery fast and enjoyable.


Some Recent Client Comments

  • Sam Billings Hi, as you know I started having panic attacks and anxiety when my 1st son was 3 months old (approx 11 years ago). You helped me to recognise what they were and the techniques you gave me enabled me to deal with them. After several months of them getting worse and worse, they almost dissappeared overnight. Occasionally if I am under stress or very tired I can feel them starting to come back, however am able to quickly stop them. Thank you so much x
  • Roxanne McCreanney I had pre and post natal anxiety. Not once did a dr or psychiartrist explain it like TLM. I had a psychiatrist prescribe me all sorts of meds that absolutely terrified me and left me feeling like a ” mental case” it was in my darkest hour I discovered TLM. I was reluctant at first to try it as without trying it I still had a hope. But I feared if I tried it snd it failed, I’d have nothing. Well long storey short, I ended up exploring TLM and haven’t looked back. Finally having someone dxplain what my mind and body was doing was enough to get me started. And after practice of ignoring the meaningless symptoms to my crazy thoughts I have my life snd so much more back… I was once petrified and convinced something terrible would happen to me if I took my baby to the shops, now me and my daughter enjoy shopping trips as a treat we look forward too each week ; )
  • Claire Turkoglu wow roxAnne you are my inspiration for today. thanks x
  • Josh Peak Sam and Roxanne, very inspirational. This method does work. I used it over 6 years ago!
  • Ali Liness I had really bad anxiety and panic attacks after having my son a year ago, the first time I had a panic attack I thought I was having a heart attack and my husband called an ambulance. I was going back and forth to my GP and started developing numbness and tingling around my head and face and had frequent palpitations. My GP in the end said she didn’t know what to do with me next and tried to prescrible anti depressants and had me on diazepam for a while. I discovered TLM and tried that, after a slow start I realised how easy it was to rid yourself of these symptoms from doing this method. I still get numbness occasionally but I now know it is nothing serious, so just go about my daily routine without letting it bother me too much. I totally sympathise with anyone who has anxiety, it can be the most horrific and lonely experience in the world and it is good to know you are not the only person with those kinds of feelings. I was like Roxanne at one point and did not want to leave the house for fear something would happen to me. I am starting to feel more like myself again. I would advise anyone who has been told they have anxiety to try TLM and stick to it.
  • Denise Matsushita-Graf I suffered from postnatal anxiety as well as PTSD from a very traumatic birth experience. If it weren’t for TLM I’m not sure where me or my son would be today. I can honestly say that now, four years later I still use a lot of the methods to deal with everyday life stressors. I would find my anxiety debilitating, at times I couldn’t even care for my newborn, it was so bad. I was grateful to have found TLM.
  • Darren Street Charles, is it possible to have both post natal anxiety as well as post natal depression at the same time.
    I know you have said previously that usually anxiety and depression are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum.
  • Charles Linden Darren, no, the problem isn’ in diagnosis, the problem is in language. Many medics and psychologists, for reasons only known to them, believe, in total ignorance, that anxiety and depression are the same thing.. post natal depression is post natal anxiety… unless it is depression BUT if anxiety and panic are present, it isn’t depression! Does that make sense?
  • Claire Turkoglu it makes sense to me Charles. wish i had figured it out sooner… my gp says they are the same but if i wasnt anxious i wouldnt be depressed.
  • Amaëlle O’Brien And here is my story if it is of any help to someone. When I was pregnant with my second child, I became more and more anxious. First it was physical symptoms and after a while I started to have difficulty concentrating, reading, working…and I started to panic about it. Nobody would understand what was happening. I was almost 7 month pregnant when one day, it felt like my brain froze. Since that moment I could not sleep for 2 months (max 20 minutes per night), could not eat, not read, not watching tv, not seat, not be lying on a bed, not listen to any music, could almost not talk anymore. NOBODY KNEW WHAT TO DO. I thought I was dying, or at least being stuck in a body who was dying or going completely crazy. I don’t know how I managed to give birth. Could not look after the baby when she was born. It took months – for the hormones to get a little bit more stable. I could sleep again, start reading slowly, so the first thing I took was the LINDEN METHOD that my husband ordered for me. I started in August. In october I was back at work, at 10%. But I was improving every month with TLM. I went to the Linden retreat in February, and I understood all the little points I was missing. Today I’m back to life, working more than before, taking care of my 2 lovely and happy girls, leading a happy life with my husband. Definitly on my way out, almost 100% out. I went down to hell and back, but for the better, because I am handling the anxiety I didn’t know I was having since I was a little girl. Hope it can help someone.
    And thanks Charles, Jenny, Rob and Beth.
  • Charles Linden Amaëlle, you are AMAZING! Client of the day award to you!!! Thank you for sharing that! Amaëlle would you put it on my new website to show others? I’d SO appreciate it! C x

  • Darren Street Charles, that makes perfect sense!
    My fiancé (who you’ve met a few times) is staring a new nanny job with a lady who apparently has PND but she’s very anxious and panics alot. Camilla really wants to try and help mum through this as well as look after baby. I believe she been dished some meds already though to help with sleep etc. I’ll some investigative work. Would be great if Camilla could recommend TLM to her!
  • Jennifer Merheb “Charles I want to do a testimonial for you on your website can you let me know how I can do It for you?? I was lead to Charles after my first baby and a lifetime of strange symptoms fear etc.. Charles truly is my guru because without him and his method I would never have discovered or ever felt peace I’m still a groupie of the method and now am expecting my 4th baby, trust in Charles there is simply NO other explanation or diagnosis treatment or anything except his method. I honestly believe that PND is simply just anxiety that was thriving within you long before you started a family and is very easily rectified xx”