Are you a health proffesional with stress, anxiety, phobias, OCD or depression?
Unlimited instruction, support and guidance from BACP/BPS psychologists and psychotherapists.
We have been providing evidence based recovery practice for over 22 years and our emphasis is on:
- Anonymous access to recovery guidance and support
- Simple to follow instructions / first aid apps to overcome anxiety, panic and phobias
- Access to our mobile enabled recovery and support portal on any device or computer
- Day one access to resources and support – No wait times
- Support and guidance when you need it – Seamless, unlimited, no appointment necessary
- Stay in work / Return to work ethos – Fast recovery with minimised interruptions
- On-going physical and mental wellbeing, resilience and health guidance
- Optimised physical and mental capacity and long-term happiness and fulfillment
- Solution focused.
Our MBACP/BPS/CPD Anxiety Recovery Specialists will support and guide you to fast and lifelong relief from the condition and symptoms you are experiencing.
We have helped over 300,000 people and many thousands working in medical practice to recover and return to full capacity and we will do the same for you.
Anyone working in the medical field is entitled to a 30% reduction of the programme fee.
How much does this cost? No session fees, no repeat fees, no upgrades.
Just simple advice, guidance and instruction.
Our fees for lifetime access to all resources, tools and support plus unlimited email and telephone support is normally just £179
Your fee with our ‘medical professional discount’ is £125
To join, please call Jo Goodchild on 0800 069 9898
What do medical and psychological professionals say?
Jenny Brookes – Psychologist
Consultant Psychologist
“The only way the mind and body can become anxiety free”
“I have been a mental health nurse for 30 yrs and have an advanced diploma in counselling.
I have been involved in the care of many people with various forms of anxiety, and it was only when I developed GAD myself due to long term stress and some pre disposed genetic personality traits that I began in earnest to look for a cure.
I had been admitted briefly into psychiatric care, as at that time I had no real idea of the science behind what was causing my anxiety and keeping it alive, when the stresses had been removed.I was on a cocktail of drugs, saw a psychologist and even had ECT!
As it is now so obvious they never could have helped me, only perpetuated my situation.I will be honest and say that when I first ordered the Linden Method, I didn’t give it much attention.
My mum was a very anxious person and would be constantly causing my anxiety to heighten, just when I thought I was improving, this is when I remembered the bones of the method, the pillars and realised that being around my mum was keeping me in the habit. It was then that I started following the method in earnest, which meant not seeing my mum very often, she didn’t have the awareness or the will to follow the method.
I felt fantastic, better than I had even before the anxiety, and like you mention in your media, a sense of enlightenment!My Daughter (above) has recently developed an OCD habit and I ordered her the method..she is an aware girl and is already almost free!!
It is amazing and such a relief for our family.I have always been a complete advocate for the method, but frustratingly not all those I know with anxiety seem to want to try it..why??
When it is the only way the mind and body can become inappropriate anxiety free, either consciously or not.
Obviously there are things that happen in life that cause appropriate short term anxiety, and I hope people don’t confuse the two and expect to never suffer from any anxiety ever, it’s what makes us human emotional beings.Kind Regards and my never ending gratitude for you and the method and all those involved.”
Hayley Stephens RNMH ADV DIP COUNS
Dr Claire Bolton – GP
“Charles has worked extremely hard and has succeeded to pull himself back from what seemed like a hopeless situation and now he shows others how to do the same.”
Dr. Claire Bolton MBChB – RIP Dr Claire x
Jane Griffiths – Nurse Practitioner
“In my experience as a Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor especially, I believe that The Linden Method is the most common sense approach to anxiety disorders including panic attacks available.I believe that the method is the ‘bare bones’ of the solution, the ‘Roadmap’ as Charles calls it. In truth, the method is not only the solution but a very simple to follow and the most impressively successful solution available.This method puts other solutions to shame, it really does. I have seen CBT, medicinal therapies and other so called cures fail; Charles has cured the sufferers after they had given up hope. There is no other method that I would trust and have as much faith in as this.”
Jane Griffiths, SRN, Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor
Dr Graeme Teague
“The Linden Method doesn’t dwell on giving blame or looking for reasons, it simply gives you the answers you need right now to defeat your anxiety and return quickly to lasting wellness, anxiety free.”
Ian Northcott BA (Hons) DHyp MHF FASC MHS MHRS MANLP